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About Myself

I am currently an undergraduate student in my last year studying in York University for Information Technology.  I am interested in the field of technical support and a bit of computer programming. I am a hard worker, where I tend to work independently than working dependently with my team mates. Currently, I had graduated with my Bachelor of Arts degree in Information Technology on October of 2022.

I have a good knowledge of computers in terms of hardware, where I learned about the parts of a computer, and bit of software, where I learned how to troubleshoot, and know and write a bit of programming. I am more knowledgeable about hardware than software.

About my hobbies, I like to play video games on occasions, to relieve stress, or for entertainment. Video games for myself is a good way to interact, and to solve problems when figuring out how to progress. Another than video games, I have a good interest of building computers, because I have build two computers mainly for PC gaming, and for school work.


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